Judging from the cold, it is hard to believe it is the last week in March- the weather person this morning informed me that it was "currently 28 degrees" outside.... what?! TWENTY-EIGHT?! When I see that groundhog....
Anyway, back to the task at hand! Below are the songs I listened to this morning. I jumped on the phone near the tail end of my commute so I only got through two songs, but they were nice while they lasted!
Happy Monday!
"A Snowflake Fell" by Glasvegas
This song is part of a compilation that itunes put out around the holidays in 2009 for free that I downloaded (are you seeing a pattern? I like FREE!) It is a happy little song, kinda sweet. If it wasn't free I probably wouldn't have purchased it, but it is fine because for it free.
"Coming Back to Life" by Minnie Driver (yes, the actress)
A few years ago, Minnie Driver's CD came across my desk and, again, since it was mine for the taking, I gave it a listen. Off the bat I have to say, her voice is impressive. She has a touch of country to her sound but it is easy on the ears. I am surprised no one in the country world as responded, since they certainly welcomed Gwyneth Paltrow with open arms... I'd have to listen to this song again to really get a "feel" for it, but it was mellow without being sad and a nice song to be walking through the city.
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