Wednesday, March 23, 2011

30 Day Ipod Listening Challenge - get set...

I have just decided (this very minute) that I am going to go on a 30 day ipod music challenge beginning tomorrow, March 24. I generally listen to my ipod on the tail end of my morning commute (because I have a lovely commuting buddy, David, and we chat the entire way from South Orange to Penn Station). So we're talking about 10-12 minutes worth of quality ipod rocking out. I tend to be pretty quick on the "next" button and skip songs, so instead, I am going to NOT skip songs in the morning, write down the ones that pop up on "shuffle music" and write a few words about what I think when hearing that song. Warning: some may be boring explanations, I promise to pepper them with some fun ones too :)

If anyone has any fun memories associated with any songs I detail, please feel free to share!

Happy Listening!

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