Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 1 (of 30) Ipod LIstening Challenge

Good morning! I am starting my ipod listening challenge today! Here are the songs I listened to (and did NOT skip!) on my way to the office:

1) "The Guide" by Borne
I downloaded this song because I heard it on a "Grey's Anatomy" episode (note: anyone who watches that show knows they have the BEST music -- it was better in earlier seasons tho... ). "Grey's" is one of my fav shows and this song stood out after an episode (can't remember which one particularly) so I downloaded it the next day.

2) "The Russians Skate" from The Cutting Edge by Patrick Wilson
ahh what can I say about this movie other than it is one my favs from the 90s! My sisters' and I would watch this over and over - still has on the best soundtracks (you will inevitably see more songs from this movie on this list), and this particular moment in the movie is when the unbeatable Russian pair mess up BIG TIME pushing Doug and Kate closer to victory! LOVE IT!

3) "Extrordinary" by Liz Phair
this song came out in 2004 but I only know it because it is on the "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" soundtrack (can you tell I LOVE soundtracks). Not much else to say about it other than I liked it enough to keep in rotation.

4) Goldslick/Seth Fantasty" from Superbad by Lyle Workman
another soundtrack moment - almost literally because this song is about 45 seconds long! it is when the bottle of Goldslick that Seth buys for Jules is thrown out of his hands and we watch in slo-mo as it crashes to the floor, shattering the fantasty that Jules would "get with" Seth because he successfully supplied her fav liquor (altho we learn later Jules doesn't drink... wah wah).

5) "Say (All I Need)" by One Republic
I downloaded this One Republic album after the song "Apologize" featuring Timbaland came out. That song was crazy good so I took a chance on the album (which can be a big gamble! sometimes there really is just one good song). SOOOO glad I did because every song on this album is GREAT. The break near the end when it is full on orchestrations, music, drums, the swelling of it... .excellence.

So that's it for today. 5 songs, altho 2 of these were so short they almost don't count.... almost!

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