Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Phillies Phever!

I have been a Philadelphia sports fan since before I was born (the Phillies and Eagles were in their respective championships in the 1979-1980 season and I was born in March of 1980. ) my Dad has made me a proud fan! I have stood my ground over the years when the teams were crappy, when I was a bartender in Giants territory (and wore my Eagles jersey PROUDLY) and even now when we have some talent in our line ups and the North Jersey crowd still gives me a hard time - that's fine, I can take it! I bleed Red (or Green or Orange, depending on who I am defending! lol) and right now I am extremely excited that my Phillies are KICKING TAIL!! I stayed up last night to watch them pull off the 5-4 win over the Dodgers at just moments to Midnight. AMAZING! They have one more game until WORLD SERIES time!! Normally I'm not a huge follower of baseball, but playoffs are always fun to watch and when its my boys? forget it.. I'm In!

I won't use this particular post to talk smack on other teams- as much as I cannot stand the Yankees, I would like to see a Phillies-Yankees World Series!

I also won't use this post to talk about how the Phillies put up more points than the Eagles did on Sunday against the Raiders... WOW... I mean, it was the RAIDERS. Andy Reid - if by some wacky chance you catch my blog (... you never know) PLEASE get some cajones and try something NEW! If Donovan is having an off day -- PULL HIM -- lord knows you stacked up your QBs! The only good thing was the Giants choked too, so at least it wasn't a total bummer of a day!


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