Tuesday, October 6, 2009

First Post!

Well.. this is my first post as a blogger...although I feel funny even calling myself a blogger since I've never done it before... ah well! You may be asking yourself "what's up with the title?" I wanted to start this blog as an outlet to communicate the crazy things that I experience as a commuter in and out of this fabulous city I get to work in every day (NYC). The two most dreaded words I fear to see displayed on the track listing screen is "Stand By", which is generally followed up by an announcement "attention NJ Transit passengers, there is (pick your issue - downed wires/congestion/delays) please STAND BY for further announcement". There are things I see and hear that even the most gifted writers could NOT make up. So in effort to stay sane during my travels to and from the office, I will use this as my forum. I'll probably throw in some non-commuter related stuff too... life has a funny way of playing out and sometimes I wonder if I'm not being followed by cameras...

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