Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 4-6 (of 30) Ipod Listening Challenge

Sooo yah, you are probably wondering why my days are strung together here AND why I haven't posted in the last 2 days... full disclosure, I didn't listen to my ipod on Tuesday (Day 4) or Wednesday (Day 5) so I didn't have anything to say.... but I did listen today! Thing is, when I did turn my ipod on, I was already cued up to Adele so I figured I would listen to her and write about the songs I got to hear (cheating? maybe... enjoyable? YES)

Day 4 - didn't listen as I was chatting with a friend (hi Tim!) almost the whole way to my office.

Day 5 - didn't listen because I was on the phone while walking - can't jam out AND talk, at least not well!

Day 6 (today!)

"I'll Be Waiting" by Adele
I can't say enough good things about this album, 21, as every single song on it is excellent. This particular song has a 70s vibe to me- kinda Chicago-meets-girl groups of the 60s. Great instument highlights- the horns in the beginning set the song up nicely. It is a little bit "I am woman, hear me roar" with a romantic "but I still love and miss you, so i'm waiting for you to come back". Listen to the lyrics because if you just half-listen, you are missing out!

"One and Only" by Adele
This song was one of the standouts for me when I first listened to the album. It is achingly sweet, almost desperate (without sounding pathetic) and the break in the middle is so powerful! I won't ruin it for you, just do yourself the favor and listen to it! It is def a song you sing at the top of your lungs while in the shower when no one is home....

"Lovesong" by Adele
This is a cover of The Cure's "Lovesong". It has been slowed down, a bit dark and again, a crazy good song. This album is clearly a reflection on heartache and Adele sings it beautifully and relatable. Sometimes you just wanna be sad.

"Someone Like You" by Adele
oooh what to say about this song. So you know when you had your first real love? and then you broke up, moved on, yada yada. Years later, you are sooo over him, probably dated some new people, been around the block a few times.. and then you hear he got married (or is getting married).... and you don't know why, but it makes you sad... well this song is the definition of that! Altho, Adele takes it a step further and basically says "I heard you moved on, good for you, I'm gonna find someone too, but someone like you". Some may say" ooh, creepy!" but I say "sing it girl!" because you cannot tell me we've all had that thought at one time?! Hopefully most of us realized we'll find someone else that is a better fit and that everything happens for a reason, but this song will allow you to have that moment. Get a healthy glass of red, ladies, and let yourself wander down memory lane :)

That's it for now... tomorrow back to "shuffle"!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 3 (of 30) Ipod Listening Challenge

Helloooo and welcome back from the weekend!

Judging from the cold, it is hard to believe it is the last week in March- the weather person this morning informed me that it was "currently 28 degrees" outside.... what?! TWENTY-EIGHT?! When I see that groundhog....

Anyway, back to the task at hand! Below are the songs I listened to this morning. I jumped on the phone near the tail end of my commute so I only got through two songs, but they were nice while they lasted!

Happy Monday!

"A Snowflake Fell" by Glasvegas
This song is part of a compilation that itunes put out around the holidays in 2009 for free that I downloaded (are you seeing a pattern? I like FREE!) It is a happy little song, kinda sweet. If it wasn't free I probably wouldn't have purchased it, but it is fine because for it free.

"Coming Back to Life" by Minnie Driver (yes, the actress)
A few years ago, Minnie Driver's CD came across my desk and, again, since it was mine for the taking, I gave it a listen. Off the bat I have to say, her voice is impressive. She has a touch of country to her sound but it is easy on the ears. I am surprised no one in the country world as responded, since they certainly welcomed Gwyneth Paltrow with open arms... I'd have to listen to this song again to really get a "feel" for it, but it was mellow without being sad and a nice song to be walking through the city.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 2 (of 30) Ipod Listening Challenge

Happy Friday!!! And it is sunny!!!!! Today's list is below - enjoy!

1) "Down for the Count" by GirlTalk
I can't say enough fabulous things about GirlTalk. My brother Jimmy first introduced me to them and his (yes, GirlTalk is a he) latest album was available for a FREE download so I did and it has been on "replay" for the past few weeks on my ipod! It is meant to be listened to as one continuous track, so to talk about it individually is weird, but basically its probably the best 60+ minute mash up I have ever hear. Ever. get the album here

2) "It's My Party" by Amy Winehouse
This cover is part of a tribute album to Quincy Jones, legendary music producer. In all honesty, Amy Winehouse is not my fav - I liked "Rehab" but otherwise I am not that in to her so much. She does a good job on this song, but I think more because the style of song is her "style" so it really isn't that much of an effort (or accomplishment).

3) "Mr. Jones" by Counting Crows
ahhh Adam Duritz and the Counting Crows... HUGE band in the 90s, reminds me of high school and college, but mostly high school. I don't know anyone who doesn't like this song. Even if you aren't a big CC fan, you like this song - great lyrics, good groove, all around good tune. Great for driving with the windows down! This song also reminds me of homecoming dances in the gym-- when this song would come on, everyone would be out on the dancefloor, singing along, kinda dancing (it's not really a "dance" song) but having a great time!

4) "Intro" by Dave Matthews Band (Listeners Supported Live album)
It is hard to really comment on this "song" because it really isn't a song, but an intro to the night. I can tell you when I hear it , it makes me think of all the DMB concerts (all 13 and counting!) and how fantastic of a show they put on! its the best 2-3 hours spent, especially when you catch them at an outdoor venue... they may not do the whole pyrotechnics, but they put on one of the best live acts I have ever seen (and I have seen MANY "big" bands/artists).

5) "Give Me the Night" by Quincy Jones featuring Jamie Foxx
Another song off the tribute album to Quincy Jones. I almost didn't recognize this cover when I first heard it, its more techno than the originally. Again, I'm not the biggest fan of Jamie Foxx (altho I do love "Blame It (on the alcohol) - great song) and he's not on it much so I guess it really is a wash. There are other songs on this album I like a whole lot more so I'll save my words for when those pop up!

So that is it for today! I'll pick this back up Monday (I don't listen to my ipod much on weekends). Have a great weekend!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 1 (of 30) Ipod LIstening Challenge

Good morning! I am starting my ipod listening challenge today! Here are the songs I listened to (and did NOT skip!) on my way to the office:

1) "The Guide" by Borne
I downloaded this song because I heard it on a "Grey's Anatomy" episode (note: anyone who watches that show knows they have the BEST music -- it was better in earlier seasons tho... ). "Grey's" is one of my fav shows and this song stood out after an episode (can't remember which one particularly) so I downloaded it the next day.

2) "The Russians Skate" from The Cutting Edge by Patrick Wilson
ahh what can I say about this movie other than it is one my favs from the 90s! My sisters' and I would watch this over and over - still has on the best soundtracks (you will inevitably see more songs from this movie on this list), and this particular moment in the movie is when the unbeatable Russian pair mess up BIG TIME pushing Doug and Kate closer to victory! LOVE IT!

3) "Extrordinary" by Liz Phair
this song came out in 2004 but I only know it because it is on the "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" soundtrack (can you tell I LOVE soundtracks). Not much else to say about it other than I liked it enough to keep in rotation.

4) Goldslick/Seth Fantasty" from Superbad by Lyle Workman
another soundtrack moment - almost literally because this song is about 45 seconds long! it is when the bottle of Goldslick that Seth buys for Jules is thrown out of his hands and we watch in slo-mo as it crashes to the floor, shattering the fantasty that Jules would "get with" Seth because he successfully supplied her fav liquor (altho we learn later Jules doesn't drink... wah wah).

5) "Say (All I Need)" by One Republic
I downloaded this One Republic album after the song "Apologize" featuring Timbaland came out. That song was crazy good so I took a chance on the album (which can be a big gamble! sometimes there really is just one good song). SOOOO glad I did because every song on this album is GREAT. The break near the end when it is full on orchestrations, music, drums, the swelling of it... .excellence.

So that's it for today. 5 songs, altho 2 of these were so short they almost don't count.... almost!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

30 Day Ipod Listening Challenge - get set...

I have just decided (this very minute) that I am going to go on a 30 day ipod music challenge beginning tomorrow, March 24. I generally listen to my ipod on the tail end of my morning commute (because I have a lovely commuting buddy, David, and we chat the entire way from South Orange to Penn Station). So we're talking about 10-12 minutes worth of quality ipod rocking out. I tend to be pretty quick on the "next" button and skip songs, so instead, I am going to NOT skip songs in the morning, write down the ones that pop up on "shuffle music" and write a few words about what I think when hearing that song. Warning: some may be boring explanations, I promise to pepper them with some fun ones too :)

If anyone has any fun memories associated with any songs I detail, please feel free to share!

Happy Listening!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Working on my fitness

Happy March! One of my favorite months, for a few reason..... St. Patty's Day, my birthday, the start of SPRING and warmer weather and not needing to wear mittens! Being that is the first day of the month, I would like to make a public commitment to me starting to work out. I've said this for a while now but I am hoping by making it public, I will be more inclined to actually do it! That being said, I am challenging myself to working out 3 times a week, before work! I figure if I do the "Just Dance 2" game and mix in some yoga, that should be a good start. If anyone has any suggestions on other FUN ways to work out, but that also won't take up too much time (I don't have a lot of it on either end of my day) I am all ears!

So here goes nothin! Are YOU up for the challenge? Let's do it together!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Fresh Start

since I have tried this before, I thought maybe by doing a complete layout makeover, that would help with a fresh start! So here we go (again) - It is my mission to be more active on this blog. I am going to find things to talk about and make are serious effort! I promise... for real (look, i'm uncrossing my fingers!)

I will be adding pictures - only when appropriate, talking about hot topics, not so hot topics (but maybe interesting nonetheless?) comment on what's what... stay tuned! It's going to be fun, I promise!