Tuesday, November 17, 2009

So the Phillies lost the World Series. It was a great series, fun to watch, and that is all I will say about it - I don't want to look like a bitter fan nor give my Yankee fan friends any fuel to their winning fire... There's always next year! (AND we didn't give it away either- made them Yankees EARN IT!)

Moving on...

I would like to talk a little bit about TV and the shows currently running. Just by glancing at the weekly schedule, it seems as tho there is a pretty good blend of scripted and non-scripted shows currently streaming into our living rooms (or family rooms, bedrooms, whatever you TV room of choice is). I personally wasn't always the biggest reality (aka non scripted) fan- because I always associated "reality TV" with shows like "The Hills"- which I am VERY proud to say I have never watched one minute of that show. I like some pretty ridiculously mind-numbing entertainment, but this who concept of "real" life is just insane. IT IS FAKE PEOPLE! Those "stars" (which is a term I use oh so very loosely) are told what to do, what to say, who to fight with, sleep with, eat with, get drunk with, you name it. The site of "Spiedi" makes me want to pull my eye lashes out one at a time... I'll give them credit tho - they have found a way to extend their 15 minutes.... I digress... Being that I work in "the biz" (that would be in TV/entertainment) I try to educate myself on what's playing across the board - I may not watch each show (altho my husband would probably disagree!) I at least KNOW about pretty much every show making headlines out there.. My current favs (in no particular order):

Grey's Anatomy - I'm pretty sure I don't have to explain what this show is about - medical show with personal antics that create dramatic working/living environment - cue awesome soundtrack. (THANK YOU for getting away from the super-soap-opera-y stuff and back to some drama!)

Private Practice - I got sucked in after the "cross over" episodes between Grey's and this show - gotta tell you - VERY. GOOD. (sorry Michele...)

Glee - this show is just wonderful - LOVE the music, love the little quirky ways the characters interact, love the "will they/won't they" and major kudos to Jany Lynch for being nothing short of Brilliant - I have loved everything that she does and this particular role is top notch.

Modern Family -- I started watching this online and so glad I did. The writing is sneaky good - listen for the little one-liners, the interaction between the couples is awesome, they act the way REAL couples do - and the whole concept is not too far off in la la land. love it.

Locked Up Abroad - this is a nod to those unscripted shows. This show will suck you in and before you realize it, you're yelling at your TV "who tries to smuggle a duffel bag of coke thru Columbia?! HELLO!". It's great because the real victim (sometimes just unlucky, sometimes just plain dumb) is the narrator. The reenactments are shot well, the drama is laid out for you in the situation the victim finds themselves...now THIS is reality!

Head Games -- ok, ok, shameless plug... my company created/produced this show, half hour trivia show that works like a game show- answer question, win money, learn something cool - WATCH IT!

I could go on and on, but for your sake, I won't -- I'll just leave with this - it seems that TV has gotten creative again and it's about time!!!